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Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 25/07/2024
Localisation : Casteau

New member: Vexen C Empty New member: Vexen C

Jeu 25 Juil - 22:10
* Name or nickname: Vexen, 'Vee'
* Age: Aprés quarante...
* Gender: Male
* Region: Casteau

* Role-playing games inspire me ... Oui, mais d'habitude je n'ai pas le temps... I have only played DND for a few weeks, and we didn't really play properly.
* My favorite type of character is ... Bard, criminal / neutral. But I might not do a Bard again.

* Board games: I like to play ... All of them :blush: J'aime les jeux comliques et stratégique... worker-placement, deck-building, science-fiction, engine-building, territory control.

* What I would like to play in the club: Je suis un debutant a française mais... I still would like to do games with content in French. It might be a few years before I can do an RPG in French! I like long/complicated games, but I will play anything.

* How I discovered the Dream Forgers: SHAPE promotional post.

* Apart from games, I like: étudier, lire et écrire, computer programming (python, I also do VBA), aller courir. And of course, I like doing things with my family. I have one boy (nearly 15) who also loves board games.

I'm a shift worker, so I can only attend probably around once a month.

I've got a collection of games (almost all in English I'm sorry), and I'll bring them in sometimes, one by one! Some of what I've got:

Forbidden Desert
Forbidden Sky
Betrayal at House on the Hill (requires English-reading, perhaps on your own if reading a secret)
Clank in Space
Ticket to Ride (London)
Dungeon Boss
The Crew (Deep Sea)

Dernière édition par Vexen le Sam 27 Juil - 2:03, édité 4 fois (Raison : Ajouter les jeux)
Messages : 295
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2022
Age : 31

New member: Vexen C Empty Re: New member: Vexen C

Ven 26 Juil - 11:13
Hello there Smile

Pokatar told us some advertisement was going on on the shape! I didn't expect a post here, but I'm happily surprised! Welcome Smile

I mastered Warhammer once in english during the Brussels Game Festival for some american folks; it was really fun. Albeit I wasn't 100% sure about some vocabulary Very Happy

I've got some boardgames in english too; let us know on the related topics here: https://forgeurs.forumactif.com/f3-parties-de-jeux-de-societe when you're passing by the club.
Boardgame days are cancelled if less than 3 people specify their availability; so it's important to reply to the topic relative to the day you plan to come.

I'd be eager to try an rpg table in english, but you'll have to be gentle with me Very Happy

(PS: Who tf likes VBA? This thing is a hellspawn invented to torture junior devs!)


Salut Smile

Pokatar nous avait prévenu que de la pub était faite au shape! Je ne m'attendais pas à voir un post ici, mais je suis agréablement surpris! Bienvenue Smile

J'ai déjà maîtrisé une partie de Warhammer en anglais pendant le Brussels Game Festival pour des visiteurs américains; c'était sympa. Même si je n'étais pas 100% certain de certains mots de vocabulaire Very Happy

J'ai quelques jeux de plateau en anglais aussi, préviens sur un sujet ici: https://forgeurs.forumactif.com/f3-parties-de-jeux-de-societe quand tu passes au club.
Les journées Jeux de société sont annulées si moins de 3 membres se manifestent, donc c'est important de répondre au sujet relatif au jour où tu prévois de venir.

Je serai partant de tester un JDR en anglais, mais faudra être indulgeant Very Happy

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Messages : 1158
Date d'inscription : 14/01/2022
Age : 25
Localisation : Mons

New member: Vexen C Empty Re: New member: Vexen C

Ven 26 Juil - 12:50
Welcome to the club, i'm the guy who made a really bad score at ECO yesterday Very Happy .

See you soon on a Board game or a Roleplaying game ( okaa seems to be motivated to Master in english)

Vexen aime ce message

Messages : 272
Date d'inscription : 22/04/2023
Age : 52
Localisation : Jemappes

New member: Vexen C Empty Re: New member: Vexen C

Sam 27 Juil - 2:27
Hello, and after the guys with the bad score, here you have the guys with the high score at ECO Very Happy

Be welcome at the club, i am happy to have meeted you and hope to see you soon.

By the way as you could see in Okapi's reponse, i am not the only GM to be able to master an english table so it could be sooner than expected that you could play a RPG (maybe with some other People from the Shape. Wink

I also saw you got a kid who likes boardgames, as he is older than 12 he is also welcome on occasional or regular base (having some good quality time with dad Cool )

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